Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Sampler

It's Sunday!
Time for a little sample of Mother Nature!  Today happens to be a beautiful day here in East TN!  The temps the morning were in the mid 50's and it is only supposed to get into the upper 70's today!  Definitely a little bit of fall weather in the air and I am loving it!
I worked yesterday on my table runner and the top is finished.  I am going to piece the back this afternoon and then baste it and try to get it quilted today also.  I will take some more pics of the process and share with you this week.
I wanted to share a photo I took on the way home one day.  We had had some rainstorms and peaking through the clouds was a beautiful rainbow.  I had my camera, so I pulled over to get some pics.  As I was taking them, I noticed a second rainbow reflecting!  What an awesome sight!  Now, the photo itself is not great, but you will at least see the two rainbows! 
God is so awesome in showing us the wonders of nature! 
"To pray is to let go and let God take over."
Philippians 4:6-7
I hope you have a Super Sunday!

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Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope I have inspired you just a bit! I appreciate all the wonderful comments and hope you will come back again soon! Have a great day!!!